Funded by Community Living BC, Swimming with Spirit Orcas is a bold adventure that provides athletes with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to coach open water swimming.

As leaders in open water swimming, the ideal next step for the Spirit Orcas is to have the opportunity to mentor others in the sport. The goal of swimming with Spirit Orcas is to create leadership opportunities for people with diversabilities.

The program strives to change our perceptions around people living with disabilities and what they are capable of.

Working with Coach Susan, the Spirit Orcas will swim with and coach a group of adults who do not have developmental disabilities. Each of the swimmers will choose an open water swim goal for the year. Coach Susan and the Spirit Orcas will help them work toward achieving their goals including developing their swim plan.

Spirit Orca coaching opportunities will include on-deck and open water sessions and several public speaking opportunities where they can share their expertise in swimming in rough water, currents, seaweed forests, sea creatures, fueling for your swim and much more!

Swimming with Spirit Orcas takes the bold step of integrating and including those without disabilities into the world of those with disabilities rather than the other way around. This approach to inclusion embraces, honors and values people with disability by welcoming others into their tent.

For more information contact Coach Susan.

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