a program for people with intellectual and physical disabilities
Spirit Orcas Community Inclusion Projects Masters Swim Club invites adults (18 years and older) with physical disabilities into the program.

The club’s goals are to
- Provide people with intellectual disabilities with a swim program where they feel safe and valued;
- Provide others with an opportunity to swim along-side people with intellectual disabilities;
- Create an environment where swimmers can set their own swim goals and receive help in achieving them;
- Provide opportunities to compete in swimming events;
- Build team spirit though social activities; and;
- Manage the club for long-term stability.
Key information points:
- Practices are from 5 pm-6 pm Monday/Wedensday/Friday at Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre.
- First practice is Wednesday, September 4th.
- The last practice will be at the end of June 2025
- There will be no official practices in December when Crystal Pool is closed for annual maintenance
- Coaching staff will include Susan Simmons, Peter Kremer and Jasmine Kremer
- The fee for the year is $500. This includes $64 for Swim Canada/BC (our insurer)
- The club is open to people with intellectual and physical disabilities.
Registration Process:
To register
- please fill in the registration form and forward it swimclub@spiritorcas.ca.
- send a payment for $500 to finance@spiritorcas.ca *
* If you require alternative financial arrangements please contact Susan at swimclub@spiritorcas.ca
If you require further information, please contact.
Susan Simmons, Head Coach, Spirit Orca Swim Club
We give thanks to those who kindly donated to this new swim club in our first year of operation and are grateful to you . We could not have done this without you.
Deborah McArthur, Heather & James Armstrong, Courtney Bardonner, Barbara Bialokoz, Wendy Burton, Margaret Case, Edward G Deneumoustier, Susanna Francis, Tenille Hoogland, Timothy Houlihan, Tracey Knight, Jocelyn Lalonde, Janice Manson, Chris Morte, Navali Skin and Laser, Coral Payne, Barb Peck, Marsha Petty-Johnson, Jan Simmons, Rhonda Harriet Talbot, Karen Tannas.
if you are interested in donating to this program or sponsoring a swimmer please let us know.