We could not do what we do without others offering a kind hand. We are forever grateful to all who believe in the possibilities.

Thank you to Community Living British Columbia for supporting Swimming with Spirit Orcas. We are so grateful that you believe in the abilities of those with disabilities and are joining us in our mission to show people just how ca

Thank you to our incredibly kindhearted friend Kevin Heneghan for providing our crew and a place to stay when we are in the Great Bear Rain Forest. Drifter’s Cove Eco Retreat is a beautiful off-the-grid property that adds something special our swims. We are grateful.

Thank your to Colette Heneghan and Pacific Wild for your ongoing support and expertise. I have learned an incredible amount about the Rain Forest through our relationship and look forward to learning more as we swim on!

Thank you to Adriana’s – the Whole Enchilada in Saanichton, BC for your kind contributions to our community and for your spirit! We appreciate all you do for the Spirit Orcas and the community. It is through the kindness of people like Adriana Ramirez that the world will become a better place for everyone.

We are so grateful to Paul and Fiona from Triumph Social for taking on the media campaigns and story telling for our adventures. You are helping us change peoples perceptions about disabilities one story at a time!
Thank you Steven Munatones and the Daily News of Open Water Swimming for your ongoing support and believing in us – we appreciate you sharing our stories. We are touched by your compassion and consider you part of the Spirit Orca family. We hope to have the opportunity to swim with you one day!

Helly Hansen you have been a truly kind and generous sponsor. The team Great Bear vests are beautiful and we wear them with pride. The waterproof duffel bag for Coach Susan to help keep us safe in the very cold water we swim in is a life saver. Thank you!
Antonio Argüelles thank you for showing us human kindness is everywhere in the world. Your gift of swim caps brightens our day each time we wear them.

Our heart felt thank you to Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria BC. You have been three for us time and time again. We appreciate the safe meeting space, the support & prayers from the Emmanuel community and the blessings from our favourite pastor, Ingrid White.
To the lifeguards and staff at the Downtown YMCA, VIctoria BC and Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre, thank you for helping us through some very challenging times during COVID-19 and your ongoing compassion and support. It is through your actions that we know the world is becoming a safer place for people with disabilities.
Gord & Phillipa Higgins, we love you and are so greatful for all of our time together, from the countless days in the bay, where you tought us to jump off your boat, to our swims in the Juan de Fuca, Haro and Georgia Straits. You are kind community spirits who have helped us overcome some of our greatest fears.